Meir Bulka:
In 1929, my
grandfather Moshe-Aharon Bulka left Poland and immigrated alone to Israel, in
anticipation lay the basis for bringing family from Poland to Israel. My
grandfather worked in all sorts of jobs until he found permanent work, it would
enable him to pay enough money to buy the certificate (The white paper) that
will allow him to bring the rest of the family to Israel. This
postcard was sent from Israel to Poland for the 1934 Jewish New Year represents
the Land of Israel at the beginning of construction and prosperity while Israel
was under the control of the occupation of the British Mandate.
YEAR postcard shows the King David Hotel
in Jerusalem, Allenby Street, Lilienblum Street and Ben Yehuda Street, which
symbolized the anticipated economic boom and the National Library Building and
the Western Wall, symbolizing the tradition of the people of Israel.
As a
photographer, I renovated a few image and planted to replace those old, the
same places, as they are today, and here is the same overt 82 years ahead. A kind of
tribute to those who dreamed. That was
his dream, and now we had a big family, children, grandchildren and
Means, a
dream come true.