sobota, 25 lipca 2020

Na kirkucie przed wojną

There are 2 pics that I posted - sad to know the stones are no longer there but not surprising. Thank you so much, Wojtek, for checking. Most likely they were broken up to make that fence for the other cemetery or a walkway.  And the both of them were the second stones that had been made for the people buried there - the first ones were not in good shape and the family abroad sent money to have them redone from what I understand.
The first pic - the darker one - is labelled with names Bella and Mendel. They are the children of one of my great-uncle’s, Itch-Meyer, who was brother to my bubbie. I’m not sure whose stone they are sitting front of.
The second pic -the woman on the left is my great-aunt, Deborah or Dobla and the woman on the right hand of the picture, is my bubbie, Sura (Sara).  They are sitting in front of their mother’s stone - Shaindl Frimet. And she was also called the Roifeta or ‘Healer’ of Ostrowiec.

Thanks Suri Weinberg-Linsky

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